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Cypress Pack 3 was excited to pilot a kindergarten age level of cubs for the Boy Scouts of America.  The KG level cubs, called Monkeys, was introduced in the 2011-2012 school year for Robison Elementary boys as well as any other boys in the area that were entering kindergarden and interested in joining cub scouts.  Our first year Monkeys comprised of 12 boys within two dens.  Pack 3 plans to continue offering KG age entry into the Monkey program for the upcoming years also.  BSA has opened the program to any other cub scout packs which wish to host this level den, as this decision will be left for the various packs to decide, check your area cub scout packs to see if they also offer Monkey registrations. 


Monkeys are currently still a pilot program, therefore the boys are not eligible for actual belt loops or many of the merit badges which are being earned by the tigers thru webelos.  As a result alternate methods have been adopted by pack 3 to reward these boys for all their efforts.  A bead system recognizes various merits as well as good attendance at many of the cubs activities.  Additionally Monkeys are not allowed to attend any functions, den or pack meetings without a parent.  Monkeys are not allowed to be dropped off for any function or activity held or attended by the den or pack.  As a result of pack preferences in regards to hosting a monkey level for their areas, there are some functions and activities which Monkeys may not be able to participate in, however are still encouraged to attend, due to lack of similar competitive age group availability.  For instance, soap box derby, since there are no other Monkey dens in any of the surrounding packs there is no age equivalent team to compete against, therefore Monkeys do not currently compete in the soab box derby.  Monkeys are able to attend the campouts which are scheduled throughout the year and any other service or social activity held or attended by the pack.


Monkeys meet once a week with the day and time determined by the den leader with agreement from the den families.  Pack meetings are held once a month with no den meeting on the week of the pack meeting.  Various activities, service projects, fundraising is done throughout the year which Monkeys will also participate in along with the rest of the pack.  While the program is still being developed, dens will learn some begining basics which help to introduce them to the world of cub scouting and that are further developed as they graduate up to tigers.